Saturday 8 October 2011

the mystic apple and its gate-keeper

Steve Jobs. this was the name on every core computer programmer for the past two decades. every one who ever came close to creating their own legacy in personal computing. his worshippers include some of the best minds on planet, including Bill Gates.

though his origins came under the scope after his death, Steve ain't needs that. his destination is very humongous to even consider the place of his birth or his true religion at birth. he was a buddhisht and a person who resided in every Mac PC and every iPod and every other Apple i-Product the world has ever touched.

he inspired innovation and transpired every other innovator to touch the celestal heights of creating awesome apps for his company's products. he was a home guy. he never touched a single outside or alienated product. he kept working rigorously to keep his own company moving and progressing. and his prime motto has been "by the time you make something people want, they will want something else" so what did he do? he kept aghead!

Right from Lisa, up to iCloud, he has been a terrific example of Determined SmartWork.

Message for the heaven Steve went to:
Salutes to the Pirate of geek hearts all over the world. Love you Steve. You are a Legend now.

Russian Roullet

the stingy game about shooting with the blind side roulette gun

its not just a game. it depicts life.

our life is quiet similar to the game of life where people load a bullete in the revolver, spin it wild and close the barrel...and fire. judgement? nope. calculations? nah. luck? maybe.

we keep coming accross situations where in we either make the best decision, or the stupidest mistake. we do not have a fight-flight situation in these cases. all we can do is act, beget...and pull the trigger. no thinking, no evcasion, no line of defense.

where many of the world's leaders are struggling with diplomatic and national politics, some are simply trying to keep their sanity and not get lost to the world's pressures. these people are not only leaders, but are found in every part of the world. they are teachers, students, mafia goons, children, actors, soilders...but all these of the weaker type. they fight with the world most of the time, then with the world for some time...and finally resort to the gun that has killed millions on simple probability...the russian roulette...if the barrel wants, they are free as bird and go away with their misery filled lives...if the barrel decides, they are freed for all eternity...

as the famous rouletteers say "be strong, be cool...leave the barrel alone"

Tuesday 4 October 2011


they are everywhere... right from the stellar calculations right up to a pencil's tip. they make us want to kill the teacher who teaches us those numbers, and they want us to make the boss flip over the top for an increment in numbers that run our household.

they are literally everywhere. numbers define our individuality (weight, height, etc), our contacts (phone, address, etc), our achievements (rank, positions, etc) and even our earth (gravity, mass, radius, etc)

how many of these do exist individually? ten. how many combinations are they used to make? infinite.

the only creature ever who tried to dissipate the integrity of these numbers was a brave and bold creature called 'senior decimal', who now is remembered to have tried and distributed the numbers into two sects, the one who waged war with 'The Integers' and lead the numbers to derive the Fractional system. now he is incorporated in the number system and is a new clan leader of 'The Fractions'.

then there is your highness Golden Ratio, who has helped scientists derive
formulae based on the natural selection of elemental physics. it is a very unique interface between the human and numeric existences, which help humans to identify and predict the natural phenomenon in nature using numbers.

numbers are also used in the powerful art of Numerology, which is the finest example of the supremacy of numbers over all other life forms. it even decides the compatibility of an individual's personal details with his own individual existance.

in short, numbers are humongous. nothing in the world can compare to their power, at least theoretically.

Hoffman the avenger

this is from realisations endowed from eh great american activist [ Abbie Hoffman]

this man symbolised everything from cross cultural transformations to media stunts and criminal rebellions. he was a symbol of raw energy put into practical applications such as public demonstrations and drug abuse.

his spirit was all about making a difference, just in the most unconventional ways possible.

the great earth around us is filled with people going about their lives and duties peacefully. they live for the thoughts around them...those thoughts be their own, or somebody else's thoughts coming to them and getting accepted as semi crystallised prejudices they will rarely give any thought to. but who cares?

Abbie did. he cared for the people and for his fellow mates and for the american public in general. his activities lead to improvement in security of WallStreet and the system of police response to public demonstrations. his famous publicity stunts include the Exorcismic levitation of Pentagon and the dollar dance at New York Stock Exchange.

but the only thing he ever did was think for himself, get inspired by rouge activists and be original, the only ingredients that made him a famous veteran activist and an unemployed stealer, who used the loopholes in the american surveillance systems and later wrote a book on how to live free of cost - Steal this Book by AH.

the only thing i regret is his death. but his story and spirit still lives and will be legendary in the future.

and as he said....

Free speech means the right to shout 'theatre' in a crowded fire!!!

Expectation: the post

have you seen an untrodden path....
and dared to wander on it?
have you read unwritten lines...
and dared to ponder on it?


expectations are a normal part of our earthly existence. we are all slaves of our thoughts and emotions and constantly battle with ourselves to maintain a balance between their individual experiences in the earthly physical sphere

this surely is an intriguing topic if considered from the point of view of a cynic. i have been battling with my expectations for a long time. seems to be the battle between good and evil. me good, expectations evil

but contrary to the 'expectations' of the so-called virtuous hypocrites in the world who might expect Good to always win, expectations win. they always draw the sword nearer to my morality and sense of purposeful direction. those expectations give birth to newer expectations. and this goes on. but it is not only me suffering i see.

so what do i learn?'s not a simple do-not-expect message. all i can do is 'try' not to expect much [without much success usually (-_-)  ]

Expectations are a Form of Prejudices. bEwarE.

Expectations lead to desperation

Expectations also cause wars and destruction

these are the same obligatory emotions of expecting that lead to both peace and war - where one expects peace after a world conference on environment and expects a war after a political disagreement.

i cannot discard the importance of expectations. sometimes expecting to get good grades after studying is also a sign of self confidence. but expectations that we get too attached to always lead us on the negative side ore often, even the good ones for the matter.

expectation is a humanitarian quality which goes hand in hand with trust and mutual bonds which become obligatory duties over time. they are inevitable, but yet potentially harmful in 50% cases.

 the earth can expect care in return for the motherly love it provides to us. but what does it really get back from us? she ain't expecting much... ;)

Expectations - boon or curse...or both?

this blog is to forward the cause of expressing my mystic views about the world and the people around me.

this topic is very close to my heart so i would like to start this blog with my article on expectations. the original copy can be found at: